Monday, June 18, 2012

Las Vegas Personal Injury Attorneys - Maier Gutierrez Ayon, PLLC

If you or a family member has been in an accident, we can help.  If one of your employees was involved in an accident and your company is facing a lawsuit, we can help. We have a track record of successfully litigating personal injury and product liability cases for our clients.  We have significant experience with these types of cases, ranging from quick, favorable resolutions to taking cases all the way through trial and appeal.

Maier Gutierrez Ayon PLLC concentrates on personal injury and wrongful death. The group combines experience and sophistication in liability litigation law and can handle all aspects for their clients. Their significant experience with these type of cases range from quick, favorable resolutions to taking cases all the way through trial and appeal. Visit for more information.

Florida Construction Law Attorney - Heitman Law Firm, PL.

Our law firm follows the same rules handling your case that you use on the jobsite to build your projects. Our work is Plumb Square and Level.  When we say plumb, we mean that we are straight up with you. We evaluate your case and tell you where you stand legally, allowing you to make sound business decisions. Square means that we don’t cut corners in protecting our Client’s legal rights whether in drafting your contracts or handling your construction disputes.

By quality, we mean degree of excellence. Heitman Law Firm practices construction law.  Mr. Heitman is an expert in construction law, board certified by the Florida Bar.  He is a member of an elite group of board certified construction attorneys.  In addition, Mr. Heitman is a Florida Licensed Professional Engineer, with years of experience building real world construction projects. As such, the Firm is extremely well qualified to render its clients high quality legal representation.

Heitman Law Firm has the background, training, and experience to handle every aspect of a construction project. With years of experience, Mr. Heitman has successfully drafted and negotiated multi-million dollar construction contracts and is committed to resolving construction claims on behalf of his clients. Visit for more information.

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Feds and Florida headed to court over voter purge

The administration of Florida Gov. Rick Scott is headed to a legal showdown with two different federal agencies over a contentious voter purge.
Florida filed a lawsuit in a federal court in Washington D.C., demanding that the state be given the right to check the names of its registered voters against an immigration database maintained by the U.S. Department of Homeland Security.
The lawsuit came the same day that the U.S. Department of Justice announced its plan to ask a federal court to block the state from pushing ahead with removing potential non-U.S. citizens from the voter rolls. Authorities contend that the state's effort violates federal voting laws.
"Please immediately cease this unlawful conduct," wrote Assistant Attorney General Thomas Perez to Florida Secretary of State Ken Detzner.
But Scott himself went on national television to defend the purge and the need to sue the federal government.